I just received a forwarded email from my MOP's Discussion Group Leader. The subject of the email was: "Governor Nixon's Proposed Cuts for Parents as Teachers", and one of the few comments she added was: "I don't normally forward things but I feel this is so important." And I feel the same way. I rarely forward emails, but this is different!
My daughter is now 2 1/2 year old. I have been meaning to call Parents as Teachers since she was born. I finally did it and I had my first appointment last month. I'm supposed to have my second meeting next week... or maybe not?
See, the Missouri Governor Jay Nixon proposed a $1.4 million budget cut as part of his budget plan for the upcoming fiscal year. This 13.2% budget cut comes right after the 10% budget cut that the legislature enacted last year. This program serves 155,000 Missouri children; that's a lot of families touched by that cut.
This free program has helped a couple of my friends with their kid regarding their speech capability. And now, their kids are well on their way. Everybody that I talked to before about this program has only good things to say about it. Even me, after only one meeting, I feel a lot better about my daughter's knowledge. Our Teacher was super nice and patient with her. She played with the baby, explained to us what she was doing, gave us some tricks and things to do with our daughter. I just can't wait for the next meeting! If it ever comes :-(
If you are like me, and you want to make sure that you will have your "next meeting", contact the Governor's Office NOW!
Here is what you can do:
- Call (888)880-8233; toll free number available for Parents as Teachers (PaT) advocates until Wednesday 2/2/10.
- After 2/2/10, call (573)751-3222; give your name, home town, identify yourself as a supporter of PaT, inform the Governor that you are very disappointed about the $1.4 budget cut.
- Send an email through PaT Action Center, here's the link: http://www.parentsasteachers.org/SAVEMOPAT
I personally went to the website and send the email. It took me 2 minutes, so come on, let's give this program our support, like it has supported us!
God Bless!