Saturday, July 10, 2010

We Can Do Better! Can't We?

Good evening! By reading this you are my friend in some way shape or form, or at least I want you to be. That's ok to say, I think.. isn't it?

Anyway, me & Bob (my DH) are actually writing this post together. We've been working on this one for a little bit longer than normal, because Mr. Someone is Mr. Picky! He just told me that he doesn't like it when I call him DH because he always forgets what it means; at least for a second and then goes "Please don't call me that...blah blah". Ok my Dear Husband...

Anyway, we've both been talking lately about how our business, our website, our blog, our facebook page and tweven our twitter account (yes that was on purpose) are almost as old as our daughter. For us, that means it's been a part of our lives everyday for the past two years. Some nights it all made us laugh, some cry, though rarely angry. That would just be weird to get angry about this stuff. Or would it? What I mean is that we are angry that we haven't taken it more serious. Not that we didn't before, but I mean take it serious by being more, well... how do you say it without being critical??? Oh it's "consistent"!

And I also don't mean that we want to post something just to post something, more consistent, but really say something more, but be consistent. Unlike I just did. Ok, starts tomorrow! Ha!

Seriously though, we were reading one of Anjanette's blogs and we just saw it, plain as day. We haven't been putting in the time and it shows. Him and I have been talking for a while that we have some really fun & helpful blog ideas, but we just never seem to get around to them. But not anymore!

From now on, we are going to put our best foot forward for all of our friends and or the people we want to be our friends.

So, "what does that mean", you say? It means that we can't do everything we want at once, it means things will just get better for those of you that decide to read what ever crazy stuff we decide to make permanent in cyber space.

One of our first endeavors will be to do some Movie Reviews. I know that sounds like,
"Crazy just left the building!"
, but I think Bob's really getting excited about this one. So, it'll probably be mostly him. But if there is one thing my husband is good with it's movies. At least he's very critical of them; though he gives equally high praises to the good ones as well. Should be good stuff!

We also have some great ideas about our Youtube Videos, written interviews, some great top 10 lists, some just plain funny stories and even some more critical product reviews, but I'll just have to save all that for another post.

We hope you enjoy our new posts, and we look forward to your feedback!

I hope you all had a blessed weekend!

Patsy & DH (Dear Husband).

About Me

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Lees Summit, MO, United States
I'm a wife and mother of one and a small business owner (Champagne Baby). We focus on helping first-time parents by being honest and practical with our topics and our products.