That's right, the final two part Harry Potter finale - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows" (probably one of the biggest franchises to ever exist) will not be in 3D; according to Warner Brother's this week. What will we do?
They are claiming that they tried very hard to get the 3D format, but couldn't maintain the quality of the film. They are confident though that the 2nd part of the 2 part finale will be in 3D. Someone's getting fired over that, I bet.
Of course, if you pay any attention to what's going on in the movie world, you know that ever since Avatar, almost every major film studio out there is pushing their director's to go 3D. While I'm definitely a fan of 3D, their reasoning is much more financial than creative. Once you realize that annual ticket sales have yet to beat their 2004 numbers of 642 million, it's clear that they have to increase their revenues some how. The 3D format is the way to go; they can sell less tickets and make more for the tickets they do sell.
However, since there are only a limited number of 3D theaters, according to NATO (National Association of Theatre Owners) the current system can only support 1-1/2 major 3D films at a time. That means if a movie is in 3D it stands the chance of losing out on screens because of this competition.
Personally, I watched Avatar in IMAX 3D and really enjoyed it. However, I will say that wearing those crazy cataract glasses gave me a headache. And for any of us who would want to take our little ones, forget about it. There is no way that my three year old would wear those things. As a matter of fact, we actually missed Toy Story 3 because it was only available in 3D the day we went; had to see Shrek instead (blah).
So, if you are a Harry Potter fan and a 3D fan, then you are in trouble. In reality, my guess is that this probably won't stop you from going to see the movie. Let's face it, whether or not its in 3D, the quality of the story, acting, and effects will be a bigger factor.
See you later!
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