First I would like to apologize about falling off from the face of the earth, anyway that's how I feel like I've been. I don't remember when was the last time I blogged, Facebook and tweet about something that really mattered. Actually, I remember when I Facebook last because I wish I would of kept my mouth shut at the time!
Most of you already know that I was pregnant, yes, it's in the past. My whole pregnancy was weird anyway. If you read my posts; "There is no such thing as a "false positive"!" and "Am I to old to have a baby?" you know what I'm talking about. Bottom line, I was showing at 4 weeks and the dates weren't adding up, etc. After that last post, we had our first appointment with the doctor. The doctor tried to listen to the heart beat with the little gadget they have, but she couldn't. So she called in for an ultra-sound (that's when I posted on Facebook and when everything changed).
Long story short, I was pregnant with identical twins (I knew it ;-) and the babies stopped growing at 6 1/2 weeks. They never got a heart beat. All that happened when we had a planned trip to St.Louis for a wedding, and then an unplanned trip to St.Louis, again, for a funeral (my husband's Grand-ma). While we were in St.Louis for the second trip, I had to start the miscarriage process by taking some pills. I had started to have fever, nothing alarming, it was better to start at that time. Which made the funeral more dramatic than it needed to be. (I'm sorry that I added some worries on my husband's family. They didn't need that on top.)
After all that, we came back home, knowing that the miscarriage wasn't over. The doctor confirmed it, and we finally decided to do a D & C on Thursday morning. And since then, I feel better and better. Getting stronger everyday, still have a belly though :-( I will work on that soon enough;-)
Now you are probably worried about me and DH: "How are we coping with all this?" Well, we are obviously very tired. But in general, we are fine. We were not meant to have twins! God has a different plan for us, and we believe it with all of our hearts.
Anyway, Bob & I just thought it would be nice to share this with all of our friends and families. It may be a bit much for some, but we felt it was the right thing to do being that so many people have shared their experiences with us over the past couple weeks. Sometimes things are easier to talk about, when you write about them first. It especially helps us to keep our stories straight! ;)
In the meantime, we are praying for all of our friends and family that we miss dearly everyday!
God Bless! & A la prochaine!