Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cutting the Holiday Pounds - What tools do you have?

Let's face it, most American's probably did exactly the same thing over the holidays, no matter where they live and whether they are a man or a woman. At some point in between their busy schedules they ate, they slept, and they avoided strenuous activities at all costs!

As for us mothers, although we may have enjoyed some of those luxuries ourselves, we probably had less sleep, more stress and we probably ate a little more while we were cooking that food for the masses.

Anyway, the point of all this is to help provide some direction in terms of what to do about cutting those added pounds. It’s just that there are so many diets and so much misinformation out there that I wanted to share my own personal experience as a constant weight-loss yo-yo expert.

For over 10 years my husband and I have read and followed a number of popular diet and exercise programs. I’m going to give you a quick snapshot so that you can decide which one is right for you:

1.) Body for Life:
o What’s important:
As the title suggests, this is a life changing plan, so it requires a life changing attitude. If you are not serious about your weight loss commitment, this will be on of the most challenging plans to follow especially for those that are not used to tough exercise regimens and meal planning.
However, the basic plan does teach some very important things about basic health and nutrition. Best of all, the plan gives you a free day. One day per week, you get to eat whatever you want! Although you must be careful not to over do it and ruin your week long efforts, this dangerous tool can help give you something to look forward to.

o Attitude:
 Anything is possible (even a six pack after a baby)
o Time:
 Planning = 30 minutes per day
 Meal Prep = 60 minutes per day
 Exercise = 32.5 min per day (20 min x 3 days / 45 min x 3 days)
 Total = 2 hours 15 minutes per day (approximate average)
o Diet:
 5-6 small meals per day following these basic rules:
• Lean Protein Sources like lean beef, chicken, eggs, turkey, etc.
• Complex Carbohydrates:
• Whole grains only (avoid white bread, white rice, chips, etc.)
• Good Fats like olive, peanut, and fish oils.
• Free Day (one day recommended, one meal is more realistic)
o Exercise:
 High Intensity Interval Training (running, biking, etc)
• 20 minutes
 Strength Training

2.) South Beach Diet:
o What’s important:
This diet is a little different than BFL in that you don’t have to wake at 5:00 everyday to workout like Arnold, but you do have to have tighter control over your carbohydrate intake.
When implemented correctly, this diet has incredible results that are similar to Atkins, but much healthier because your carbs basically come from vegetables. This is the same theory as BFL, but your veggies keep your blood sugar much more consistent.
The down side is the first few days; eating little to no processed carbs is hard and may result in a headache and fatigue. Just get past the first few days and energy levels and overall wellbeing should return to normal. Just don’t splurge on carbs or the whole process starts over again.

o Attitude:
 Temporary extreme change (2 weeks) / Long-Term subtle changes
o Time:
 Planning = 30 minutes per day
 Meal Prep = 60 minutes per day
 Exercise = 0 min per day (Additional exercise is optional, not required)
 Total = 1 hour 30 min per day (approximate average)
o Diet:
 Proteins (
 No processed carbohydrates (simple sugars)
 Increased vegetable intake (broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, etc.)
o Exercise:
 The original plan doesn’t include any mandatory exercise, but recommends light walking as an add-on.
 The newest edition “Supercharged” puts much more emphasis on exercise and even includes a workout plan.

3.) Ultra-Metabolism:
o What’s important:
While this plan probably makes the most sense out of all of them, it is also the strictest. By banning all processed foods, this plan focuses on organic, whole foods and controlling food allergies. For a Hollywood “a-lister”, this may not be a problem, but for those of us on a time and money budget, eating organic all the time, just isn’t practical.
Don’t fret though, this diet plan also has some practical advice that can be helpful.
o Attitude:
 Long-term extreme change / Longer healthier life
o Time:
 Planning = 45 minutes per day
 Meal Prep = 60 minutes per day
 Exercise = 0 min per day (Additional exercise is optional, not required)
 Total = 1 hour 30 min per day (approximate average)
o Diet:
 No processed foods
 Whole organic foods only (fruits, vegetables, etc.)
 Eliminate food allergies (peanuts, milk, gluten, etc.)
 Supplement micro-nutrient deficiencies
o Exercise:
 Regular exercise is recommended, but isn't the focus of this particular program.
o $$$$$:
 While the other programs require some investment in food, this program will take a bite out of your wallet, so be prepared.

While these three are my personal favorites, there are many other options. Here is a link to Webmd and an extensive list of weight-loss programs.
No matter what you choose, choose something! Don’t just sit there even though it’s easy to do, it’s a choice just the same. Your body, mind, energy levels, and family will thank you for it in the long-run!

Good luck!
Patsy Champagne
Owner of Champagne Baby, Wife and Mother of one.

About Me

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Lees Summit, MO, United States
I'm a wife and mother of one and a small business owner (Champagne Baby). We focus on helping first-time parents by being honest and practical with our topics and our products.