This is Champagne Daddy here (Bob), in lieu of Champagne Mommy (Patsy)!
I realize that there aren't many Dad's reading this blog, but I just have to weigh in on something that's been bothering me lately. Maybe it's because my daughter is getting older now (almost 3) or maybe it's because Patsy has been working more?
Anyway, a couple of us Dad's were talking the other day about how uncomfortable it is to take our daughter to the bathroom in public places. I know it sounds weird, but it just is! First of all, you have to walk your daughter into a fairly small room with guys standing there with their stuff hanging out. Then you have to rush her into an even smaller stall...and let's just say that these stalls aren't exactly kept the way Mommy would like them to be!
Now we've entered "no man's land" with a three year old and she's trying to say hello to the newcomers through the crack of the stall door. So we continue on with the process which is painful at best. God forbid I might have to go also? Let me tell you that if I can hold it at this point, I will!
Finally, we've completed the process and we're off, right? WRONG! Of course we still have to wash our hands. Well, if you think men can't hit a toilet, they are even worse with the sink. I've yet to see a men's room sink that isn't covered with previous handwasher's nasty water. How you get the little girls hands under the faucet without getting her pretty little dress all wet is beyond me.
Ok, so now we're heading out and ready to go Bye-Bye. However, I always get the feeling that because we've been gone so long, that all of the mothers that see me leaving the Men's room with her are giving me the evil eye like I'm some kind of pervert.
So maybe I'm venting here or maybe I'm just plain trippin', but it seems to me that Dad's deserve a little extra credit on this one. So next time you see a Dad workin' his way out of a men's room with his daughter, just give him a pat on the back...please?