Monday, September 1, 2008

A little advice could go a long way.

One thing that I really liked at my baby showers (yes, I had two;-) is the "advice book" or the "advice cards". As a new mom, I didn't know what to expect, so all suggestions and comments were very appreciated!

One of the good advices that I received is to: "write everything down!" I personally use a calendar just for the baby. The day that she said "mama" for the first time, I wrote it down in the appropriate day. And one of these day, when I'll have time... I can grab my calendar and transfer everything in my baby's memory book. Because, let's face it, who has time to go ahead and write everything down in their baby book as they do something new... not me!

A lot of people wrote: "Enjoy every moments!" Everybody keep saying that! Enjoy while they're small, they grow up so fast! Well guess what? They do! Take a lot of pictures, it's a little piece of memory every time!

Having a baby is a lifetime changing event. Your life as a couple will never be the same. You went from a couple to become a family. But, you know what? To have the best family you can have, you need to spend some time as a couple. When your friends and family offer you to babysit, say YES! Go and have a date, just you and your husband! That was the best advice I got. What is the best advice you ever received?

About Me

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Lees Summit, MO, United States
I'm a wife and mother of one and a small business owner (Champagne Baby). We focus on helping first-time parents by being honest and practical with our topics and our products.