Friday, December 11, 2009

Not a good start!

It's only been a few days since I'm "officially" home, and like I predicted, it's harder on the baby that it is on me! The poor kid LOVES to go bye-bye! Normally, after a whole day of staying home, she gets up in the next morning and the first words out of her mouth are: "Go bye-bye, Mamma?" So I knew that coming home for good would be a challenge!

After Saturday, our last day at the store, we didn't get out of the house until Wednesday. So I quickly realized that staying at home and trying to find a balance between take care of the baby (I know she's 2, but she's still my baby:-) & my hubby, do some house shores, AND launch the online business has been a bigger challenge than expected.

To help get some work done, we have been trying to teach Syd to play by herself, in her room, like a big girl. She didn't really liked that. So to let us know, she started to cry and then at one point she stopped and screamed as load as she could (which is very load, by the way). She only did it twice in one day, hopefully she understood that we don't do that! That was Monday, and that was NOT a good start! Then Tuesday night, she slapped her Dad in the face... GREAT!!! What am I going to do??? This is NOT how I envisioned everything.

Thank God we had the Downtown Lees Summit Main Street Holiday Reception on Wednesday night. That was enough to brake the cycle. You can see for yourself... She just need people who want to hold her all the time and some food that she normally doesn't get, like M&Ms! Then she will be the happiest little girl you'll ever seen! Well, sorry, but I am NOT doing that all day at home. I am determine to find a balance, a healthy one, no M&Ms included ;-)

Wish me good luck!

About Me

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Lees Summit, MO, United States
I'm a wife and mother of one and a small business owner (Champagne Baby). We focus on helping first-time parents by being honest and practical with our topics and our products.